Back Sports Woman vs. Man Fight Video Series #4-5 Next
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4. Sports Woman vs. Man Fight Video #4 (TO-004)
The star of this video is the U.S. National Girls Boxing Champion. Frankly, I was wondering if it was OK to shoot this video fearing that she would send a wave of fierce punches at my head...By the way, the man in this video is a burly rugby athlete. Just one punch from her could knock you out!
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LENGTH: 39 min. PRICE: 12,000 YEN

Format: Quantity:

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5. Sports Woman vs. Man Fight Video #5 (TO-005)
A girl who is 183cm (6') tall model and extreme fighter stars in this video. It's like a beautiful work of art to see her kick with those 93cm (3') long legs of hers. She uses her legs like whips to cause unimaginable damage to her opponent. "I'll get you back! But my body..." the man murmurs and blacks out.
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LENGTH: 40 min. PRICE: 10,000 YEN

Format: Quantity:
